Portland, OR Small Business Networking

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Alignable members are promoting their businesses in the Portland community.

Businesses Getting Recommended

Alignable members are referring customers to these small businesses in Portland.

Small Business Event Calendar

See local events and promotions hosted by small businesses in Portland.
Generative AI for Marketers with The Prepared Group & AI Coterie
This event is for marketing agencies and service providers looking to better leverage Generative AI... Not just for creating content or managing c...

Recent Products & Services

Look for local products and services offered by small businesses in Portland.
Professional Ghostwriting by Nomad Freelance Content
Tell your story as it was meant to be. Hiring a ghostwriter is a great way to take the pressure off stretching your writing skills and focus on get...

Questions Getting Answered

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I’ve discovered being involved with a writers group spurs me to write.  The thought of having nothing new to share has it’s own motivation.  (more)

New Ideal Customers

Doing business is a two-way street. See who in Portland might be looking for a customer like you.
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Our ideal customer
individuals and families seeking substance use disorder treatment