Code of Conduct

As a condition to accessing the Services, you agree to strictly adhere to the following Code of Conduct:

1.  Comply with all applicable laws, including, without limitation, privacy laws, intellectual property laws, export control laws, tax laws, and regulatory requirements;

2.  Provide complete and accurate information to Alignable and update it as necessary to maintain its accuracy and completeness;

3.  Read and comply with our Privacy Policy;

4.  Read and comply with notices sent by Alignable concerning the Services;

5.  Use the Services in a professional manner;

6.  Protect sensitive personal information by considering carefully what information about yourself and your business you wish to share with other Users and the general public through your private and public profiles.

7.  Do not act dishonestly or engage in unprofessional behavior by posting inappropriate, inaccurate, or objectionable content to the Service or by using the Service to transmit or make available in any way material which:

1.  Falsely states, impersonates or otherwise misrepresents your identity, including but not limited to the use of a pseudonym, or misrepresenting your current or previous positions and qualifications, or your affiliations with a person or entity, past or present;

2.  Is unlawful, libelous, abusive, obscene, discriminatory or otherwise objectionable;

3.  Adds to a content field content that is not intended for such field (i.e. submitting a telephone number in the “title” or any other field, or including telephone numbers, email addresses, street addresses or any personally identifiable information for which there is not a field provided by Alignable);

4.  Includes information that you do not have the right to disclose or make available under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as insider information, or proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under nondisclosure agreements);

5.  Infringes upon patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights or other proprietary rights;

6.  Includes any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” or any other form of solicitation. This prohibition includes but is not limited to (a) using Alignable invitations to send messages to people who don’t know you or who are unlikely to recognize you as a known contact; (b) using Alignable to connect to people who don’t know you and then sending unsolicited promotional messages to those direct connections without their permission; and (c) sending messages to distribution lists, newsgroup aliases, or group aliases;

7.  Contains software viruses, worms, or any other computer code, files or programs that interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment of Alignable or any User of Alignable; or

8.  Forges headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any communication transmitted through the Services;

8.  Do not create a false identity or business profile;

9.  Do not use the Services to harass, abuse or harm another person;

10.  Invite other businesses and organizations located nearby that you would like to have in the network;

11.  Do not upload a profile image that is not your likeness or a head-shot photo;

12.  Do not use or attempt to use another User's account without authorization from such User;

13.  Do not use the Services, directly or indirectly, to set up or develop of a network that seeks to implement practices that are similar to sales by network or the recruitment of independent home salespeople to the purposes of creating a pyramid scheme or other similar practices.

14.  Do not duplicate, license, sublicense, publish, broadcast, transmit, distribute, perform, display, sell, rebrand, or otherwise transfer information available to you through the Services (excluding content posted by you) except as permitted in this Agreement or as expressly authorized by Alignable. Use of information, content or any data that you view and/or obtain from the Services to provide any service that Alignable deems to be competitive with the Services is strictly forbidden;

15.  Do not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decipher or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for any underlying intellectual property used to provide the Services, or any part thereof

16.  Do not imply or state, directly or indirectly, that you are affiliated with or endorsed by Alignable unless you have entered into a written agreement with Alignable (this includes, but is not limited to, representing yourself as an accredited Alignable trainer if you have not been certified by Alignable as such);

17.  Do not adapt, modify or create derivative works based on Alignable or technology underlying the Services, or other Users’ content, in whole or part, except as permitted under Alignable’s developer program;

18.  Do not rent, lease, loan, trade, sell/re-sell access to Alignable or any information therein, or the equivalent, in whole or part;

19.  Do not sell, sponsor, or otherwise monetize an Alignable Group or any other service or functionality of the Services, without the express written permission of Alignable.

20.  Do not deep-link to the Site for any purpose, (i.e. including a link to an Alignable web page other than Alignable’s home page) unless expressly authorized in writing by Alignable

21.  Do not remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices contained in or on the Services, including those of both Alignable and any of its licensors;

22.  Do not remove, cover or otherwise obscure any form of advertisement included in or on the Services;

23.  Do not collect, use, copy, or transfer any information, including, but not limited to, personally identifiable information obtained from Alignable except as expressly permitted in this Agreement or as the owner of such information may expressly permit;

24.  Do not share information of Users or non-Users without their express consent;

25.  Do not infringe or use Alignable’s brand, logos and/or trademarks, including, without limitation, using the word “Alignable” in any business name, email, or URL or including Alignable’s trademarks and logos except as expressly permitted by Alignable;

26.  Do not use manual or automated software, devices, scripts robots, other means or processes to access, “scrape,” “crawl” or “spider” any web pages or other services contained in the site;

27.  Do not use bots or other automated methods to access Alignable, add or download contacts, send or redirect messages, or perform other activities through Alignable, unless explicitly permitted by Alignable;

28.  Do not access, via automated or manual means or processes, the Services for purposes of monitoring the Services’s availability, performance or functionality for any competitive purpose;

29.  Do not engage in “framing,” “mirroring,” or otherwise simulating the appearance or function of Alignable’s website;

30.  Do not attempt to or actually access the Services by any means other than through the interfaces provided by Alignable such as its mobile application or by navigating to using a web browser. This prohibition includes accessing or attempting to access the Services using any third-party service, including software-as-a-service platforms that aggregate access to multiple services, including the Services;

31.  Do not attempt to or actually override any security component included in or underlying the Services;

32.  Do not Engage in any action that directly or indirectly interferes with the proper working of or places an unreasonable load on Alignable’s infrastructure, including, but not limited to, sending unsolicited communications to other Users or Alignable personnel, attempting to gain unauthorized access to the Services, or transmitting or activating computer viruses through or on the Services; Interfere with or disrupt or game Alignable or the Services, including, but not limited to, any servers or networks connected to Alignable, in particular Alignable's search algorithms.