I have a E book download outline instructing people how to video record their life story or that of another person. It is also designed for people who want to create their own video business. The legacy is used by businesses of all kinds including historical societies to store data and pictures forever in their own cloud using "" The outline has hundreds of life questions including final wishes, especially things we avoid talking about. Supported by Costco Connection Magazine in one of their articles on "Saving a life story with video". I am a author of possible film My angel in the crowd.
Who we want to be referred to
I would like to partner with a company that is involved with genealogy or recording a life story..
Finally people can share their personal life story on video. They can also add those special pictures along with live video to complete their story for friends and family to enjoy.
They now have a place to store their media forever.
It all began 40 years ago when I video recorded my dad life story. He told me about his encounter with John Dillinger at his service station in the 1930s. He was there for a week. He also knew Charles Lindbergh. He was in his flight class at Lambert Field in St Louis Mo. this got me on my way to start video recording life stories. and on to my website later on.