How Victor Made His Best Business Move Ever At Alignable

While I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with thousands of wonderful, inspiring, and entertaining entrepreneurs on Alignable, I have to say one of the most magnanimous and magnetic has been Victor Felix, who's a strategic branding expert and storytelling expert out of Lockhart, Florida.

I have gotten to know him well over the past six or seven months, as he landed among the Top 50 Networkers Across North America during our annual Local Business Person Of The Year Contest this year.

And he has a very inspiring and attainable success story, which he outlines in detail below. 

Before I get to his terrific testimonial, though, I wanted to say that he is the embodiment of a mission-driven entrepreneur -- and part of his "secret recipe" really comes from being a giving and caring person. 

Everyone Has Something Great To Say About Victor

In fact, during the Contest Club Networking Power Hour I host every week, several attendees praise Victor regularly.  

One of our entrepreneurial experts and regulars, Geoffrey, said last week that he wished that he had started working with Victor decades ago. And many others echoed that sentiment, which is especially entertaining as Victor is one of the youngest people I've met on Alignable so far. (Decades ago, Victor was a teenager). 

And that makes his networking journey and success even more impressive. Be sure to read to the very end, as he gives some easy tips you might want to follow to kick-start a new level of success for yourself on Alignable, too.

Here is Victor's story, in his own words:

I never would’ve imagined Alignable would be such a blessing to my business!

It was September 2020, and I had just joined the platform. I’d made a few connections and posted some content, but nothing happened. I felt like Alignable was a waste of my time, so I just went back to LinkedIn.

It’s now mid-2022 and Philomena Moncoeur, one of the ladies I co-host the Black Business Alliance Networking Group with, encouraged me to give Alignable a try again.

And so, I did.

And I’m sooooo glad I did!! 

Returning To A "New Alignable"  

I started attending networking events called Quick Connects (now renamed Smart Connects), doing one-to-one virtual meetings with new peers, and I stopped the “pitch-slapping.” Instead, I took the time to genuinely connect with people and sought to add value and be a resource. 

It’s amazing what can happen when you seek to be a pitcher and not a cup. In other words, always walk in the room (or enter the Zoom) ready to pour into people rather than trying to get something from them.

I decided to sign up for a Premium Plan, and then I upgraded to Premium Plus. Upgrading to Premium Plus allowed me to make more contacts, which meant having more of a pool of people from which to get clients. 

The "See Who" Feature Opens New Opportunities

My favorite feature is that I get to see who is looking at my profile and content. 

I've reached out to people who have looked at my profile, and to my surprise they were interested in doing business with me and became clients! 

I would’ve missed out on a lot of business without this feature. 

The upgrade was totally worth it! What I pay for in a year with Premium Plus can be made up just by getting one client! 

I’ve also done educational events, posted valuable content, and showed people how they could leverage Alignable to grow their business. 

This approach has taken me farther than I could’ve ever imagined on Alignable. It got to a point where I no longer had to reach out to people to get clients, they were reaching out to me!

I’ve been able to help people on Alignable, as one client has said “catapult his business to the next level” with the following: 

  • Design stand out Alignable profiles
  • Build websites
  • Get clarity on how to reach their intended market 
  • Grow their social media presence
  • Get more traction online
  • Tell their personal brand story
  • Substantially increase Alignable engagement 

Along the way, I was invited to do a training session for the Alliance Ambassadors, and then I was asked if I wanted to lead the Branding Industry group. I was hesitant at first, but a couple of weeks later, I said yes to doing it.

I also lead the Social Media Support Group on Alignable.

Most Of My Business Now Comes From Alignable

Now 99% of my business comes from Alignable! I have been the Local Business Person of the Year for the past two years, and I was named a Top 50 Business Networker on this platform earlier this year.

The best part of it all is that I’ve been able to make friends for life!

So, here are my top 10 strategies for success on Alignable:

  1. ABC (always be connecting).
  2. Be a loving and lovable person.
  3. Take time to listen to people’s stories and be willing to share yours.
  4. Consistently post content that solves a problem for people.
  5. Ditch the elevator pitch. Share your “Elevatory story.”
  6. Always give before you ask (people love referrals).
  7. Be a servant leader.
  8. Attend Smart Connects.
  9. Do a lot of one-to-ones.
  10. Make everyone you meet feel like they’re the best part of your day!

When you combine these ten strategies, you set yourself up for major success.

I’m so glad I listened to Philomena. There are so many wonderful connections and experiences I would’ve missed out on if it wasn’t for her. So, thank you Philomena!

And thank you to all the wonderful people and leaders on this platform that make it the best place for small businesses to do business.

The most important thing I’ve learned is that my business is not the business; my business is the people. Treat people like they matter to you, and they’ll treat your business like it matters to them.

If you’re thinking about going all in with Alignable, stop hesitating and do it now! It just might be the best decision you make for your business.

P.S. Make sure you stop by Chuck’s Contest Club Networking Power Hour every Wednesday at 1 p.m. ET and say hi to Chuck the Duck (a cute, crocheted stuffed animal I purchased from my new friend, Alise Kabakoff). You’ll get inspiration, motivation, and hear more stories on how to achieve success and grow your business on Alignable!

Victor, thanks again for such a memorable testimonial with great tips that everyone from Alignable newbies to veterans can follow to up their networking game here. (And thanks for shouting out our Networking Hour meeting, as well). 

Connect With Victor & Learn From The Best

Everyone else, be sure to post some great comments below praising Victor, and feel free to reach out to him on his Alignable profile. 

And if you want to see Victor in action -- and learn how to sell your product/service without having to talk about what you sell, register for his event on Tuesday, August 13: “How to Tell Your Personal Brand Story.”

Of course, chances are good that Victor will also attend our next Networking Power Hour, so sign up here and you can connect with him there, too, along with other networking superstars on our platform.

If you have a great Alignable success story you want to share, be sure to email me at and I'll be happy to consider it for a future newsletter feature or for other placements on our site. 

Have a great week, everyone. Keep up your wonderful networking efforts and thanks for reading!


Comments (1-10)

Chuck, thank you for introducing Victor to the Alignable world! I was introduced to Victor by a mutual LinkedIn connection 17 months ago, after seeking out a branding expert. I hired Victor on the spot and have never regretted the decision. Victor elevates the science of branding into an art form and is truly fun to collaborate with. I'm convinced Victor has been here before, because it's unnatural to have this much wisdom at such a young age!  

Thank you Vic and Chuck for leading the way to help us all tweek and finetune and use alignable as our sole marketing tool. 
At least the major step that brings the client right to your front door. 
great minds think alike! My last presser “ditch the pitch” how to get referrals … 👍👍👍👍🐽🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐽🐽🐷👍👍🐷🐷🐷🐽🐽👍🐷👍👍🙏🙏

Congratulations, Victor!  Thank you, Chuck, for sharing yet another inspiring success story. I've had the pleasure of getting to know Victor, and he truly excels at what he does. 

Wow! Amazing story Victor! The timing was absolutely perfect for me to see this. I have been in the network marketing industy for over 30 years, and although I learned tons of valuable information, I never experienced the impact of focusing on the relationship more than the business. It's crystal clear now. I get it! Thank you for sharing your ELECTRIFYING story!

I have been working with Victor for the last two months and have appreciated his opinion and expertise in branding for my business. I highly recommend Victor to anyone who needs him.

Victor congratulations on your awesome success! You've earned it! I'm very fortunate to be connected. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!

 Victor is a wonderful man. What a great article about him. Nice work here Chuck!

The Alignable platform is great. Learning about other businesses is encouraging. I come here to read different business owner's "whys" and feel that I'm in the right place. This is the place I can discuss my why and get encouragement to try the next thing, or think about a problem or opportunity differently.