Evan Says Networking On Alignable Transformed His Business

Evan Raoof's Member Success Spotlight

Evan Raoof, an Ambassador-Mentor who leads Alignable’s Wayne County, MI Alliance, is one of the most committed and giving Alliance Ambassadors and Group Leaders we have on our platform. 

During his time on Alignable, he tells us that his business at Fit Living Academy in Canton, MI has increased by 50%, which is fantastic.  

And Evan not only won Canton's Local Business Person Of The Year Contest in 2024, he landed on 2024's Top 40 List of Alignable's Best Networkers, as well. 

Canton, MI's 2024 Local Business Person Of The Year Evan Raoof

Evan The Solution Finder 

Anyone who has the opportunity to team up with Evan walks away with very valuable tips and solutions to just about any networking problem they might face. He’s an avid solution finder for anyone who asks for his help. 

Evan is a prime example of a giver who not only wants to help guide other Alignable members to make the most of the platform, he wants to help them garner the results they desire for their businesses – and yes – even their lives. 

At any given time, Evan is building new relationships on Alignable and nurturing relationships he’s made over the years to reach new heights. 

Evan Leads A Great Industry Group, Too

Not only is he an Ambassador-Mentor for Wayne County in Michigan, he leads the Wellness Exchange Group, a hub for wellness practitioners to exchange excellence, embrace professional development, and engage in meaningful discussions to promote optimal health, fitness, and business growth. 

On a personal note, Evan is a great cheerleader for too many Alignable members to mention, and a wonderful conversationalist, too. 

It’s no surprise that one of his keys to success is building strong, genuine relationships with customers, referral partners, other Ambassadors, Alignable staffers – and just about anyone else he encounters – in a Smart Connect, at a local, in-person event, in his wellness group, or during one of our annual contests.  

Evan Sums Up How Alignable Has Helped His Business

In his own words, here is Evan’s testimonial, which we’ll follow with snippets from a brief question and answer session conducted last week. 

As a passionate advocate for emotional and physical health, I believe that fostering healthy relationships with oneself and others is essential. 

Alignable has been instrumental in transforming my business by providing unparalleled access to connect with people both face-to-face and via Zoom.

In the wake of the pandemic and lockdowns, our approach to serving clients had to undergo a drastic change. We needed to find new ways to reach and engage with our audience. Alignable played a pivotal role in this transition. 

Through this platform, my business saw a remarkable 50% increase in growth.

The connections and relationships I've built on Alignable have not only expanded my client base, but have also enhanced my skills as a coach and leader. Our impact is now greater than ever, as we help clients embrace #myfitlivinglife. 

Our client roster now includes other health professionals, and together we are educating people and companies about the importance of health and healthy relationships.

We all deserve to live our best lives, and Alignable is the perfect platform to build and nurture the connections that make this possible.

What a great testimonial, Evan -- a real showstopper. Thanks so much for your uplifting and inspirational words. 

Everyone else, as promised, here’s a summary of a quick interview I recently conducted with Evan, specifically exploring the best ways to use Alignable to boost your business. 

Q&A: Delving Into Product Offerings & Networking Advice

What’s one of the best parts of Alignable for you? 

Alignable is a great place to connect with solopreneurs & other business owners. Demographically, it is different from LinkedIn. And it’s much easier to meet the right people to collaborate with, leading to better business relationships.  

How would you describe the type of members you’ve met and built relationships with on Alignable? Are the connections you make here more valuable for your business compared to other networking organizations? 

I have narrowed down my ideal customers and know exactly which contacts I want to meet, which means the ones suggested for me on Alignable are often those who can help grow my business (and others that I’m most able to help with their business). 

How has being a Premium Plus member helped you build your business more effectively? 

Being a Premium Plus member has pushed me and my brand into the forefront of my industry, helping us to make an impact on emotional fitness, physical health, and corporate wellness.

It has also helped me step out of my comfort zone as an Alignable Ambassador-Mentor, where I host monthly networking meetings with business owners in my area. Those meetings have led to growth opportunities locally. 

I also host weekly, online Smart Connect℠ events with health professionals as part of being a Group Leader for the Wellness Exchange Group. The analytics provided through the Premium Plus membership have really helped identify more ideal customers and referral partners.  

Other Powerful Features Promoting Business Results

When it comes to networking that leads to tangible business results, how do you feel about the power of other features we offer like Smart Connect℠ events, the Annual Contest, and In-Person Alignable events?

Alignable gives you major access to connections and visibility. Educating others, asking the right questions, and using a givers’ mindset help you build relationships on Alignable. 

Using these three networking features will help you achieve growth here:

  • Attend Smart Connects
    • They give you access to connect with the right people, based on what all you have included on your profile, specifying your ideal customers and referral partners. 
    • This is why making your Alignable profile as perfect as it can be is important, as it is really the window to meeting the right people during your Smart Connects. 
  • Participate in the Local Business Person Of The Year Contest in January & February
    • It’s basically the best, fastest way to network with the largest amount of people in a short time, kicking off your efforts for the year.
    • In fact, it shows you what we all should be doing daily after the contest, too, praising each other, writing recommendations for our favorite peers, and more.
    • It also encourages you to schedule “trust meetings,” or one-on-one Zoom meetings with others to learn more about them before voting for them.
    • And it shows how much being the type of person who warrants a recommendation is important to your networking efforts.
  • Hosting Alliance Events As An Ambassador
    • WOW, the power of leading an in-person meeting, which helps other business owners, is a privilege – and a wonderful way to develop trust & collaboration among all attendees.
    • Getting involved in your Local Alliance is a great step in anyone’s networking journey.

Which Alignable features should new members take advantage of first to help them make the most of this platform? 

Here’s my Alignable Networking Fitness Checklist:

  • Complete your profile: Make it stand out, so that it fully represents you & your business. 
  • Be sure you’re using the right tags on your profile, which will lead to you finding the best, most valuable contacts for your business.

  • Attend as many Smart Connects as you can.   

  • Join a Local Alliance. 

  • Invite your business contacts to Alignable. 

  • Educate your audience regularly – demonstrating your expertise & how happy you are to help people you don’t know yet. You can do this through posts after articles, in your favorite groups, and so on. 

My conversation with Evan covered many other topics, but I figured these were the questions and answers that would be most appealing. 

That said, if you have any other questions for Evan, please reach out to him on his profile. I'm sure he'd be delighted to meet you in a Google Hangout or Zoom Call. 

And if you want to hear from more Networking Superstars, please attend our next Contest Club Power Networking Group Get-Together Event on July 31 at 1 p.m. ET.  

Power Networking Via The Contest Club

Register here and get ready to hear many more uplifting, how-to stories and meet others who want their success to be your success, too. 

If you have a great Alignable success story you'd like to share, please email me at chuck@alignble.com and you might also be featured in a future Member Success Spotlight!

Finally, please share some shout-outs for Evan in the comment section below. He's a great guy who really does go above and beyond for everyone here. 

Thanks for reading and keep up the good work networking on Alignable. 


Comments (1-6)

Thank you, Chuck, for highlighting Evan. He truly deserves the recognition. When I was a new ambassador, Evan was one of the first veteran ambassadors to reach out and lend a hand. It's been a joy getting to know him. I appreciate his commitment to health and wellness and his dedication to teaching others the power of a healthy lifestyle. Congratulations on your success, Evan!  Well-deserved, my friend.

Love the headline. Evan networks on alignable. Instead of Evan sells on alignable. That tells me something more about alignable than other sites and groups. Congrats Evan!! 👍👍👍👍👍👍🎙️🎙️🎙️ great to have a networking voice here to follow. 

Evan and I met several years ago. We’ve supported one another over the years. Most recently he helped me troubleshoot an area of my health I was concerned about. He spent quite a bit of time with me as we assessed what it was I wanted for me. His expertise and patience with me was so respectful. He is an exceptional expert. I appreciate the opportunity Alignable’s platform presented for us to meet in a manner of getting acquainted plenty of times to build our know, like, and trust factor. You can count on Evan to steer you in the right direction like he did for me. It’s a pleasure knowing him and I appreciate all he does for the sake of others connecting for endless reasons and possibilities. Thanks Evan! And always thanks to you Chuck for being so committed!

Even is a great leader and mentor, and all around great person. He truly wants to help everyone succeed. Connecting and working with him has been one of the highlights of being on the Alignable platform.