Tune Into Our Resources For Recovery Webinar

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Mar 20th, 2020

Business Networking Needs To Go All-Digital For Now

Though traditional meet-ups have pretty much gone into hiding during this time of the Coronavirus Threat, that doesn’t mean you have to just sit, worry, and overthink everything.

Instead, consider what you can do right now to make the most of this time, investing in your post-Coronavirus future.

One of those investments is really easy to make: take just a few minutes to  watch quick snippets of Alignable's new, on-demand Coronavirus Recovery Webinar. You will be happy that you invested the time.

Make The Most Of Your Local Business Community -- Virtually

This informative webinar covers some key information and very valuable tips quickly to help you continue to network, add to your connections, reinforce current business relationships, and build new ones. 

And you can do this all from the comfort of your laptop, while sitting on your couch, as you continue on your social distancing journey.

Our pros take you through how you can tap local Alignable discussions to engage and rally your community. Just as one example, you can offer a delivery service to restaurants that have been forced to limit themselves to only pickup and delivery. That's good for you, for them, and the health of your local businesses.

Not only are you getting the word out, but you can also interact with other small business owners who post comments. They might be customers in the very, very near future, so take advantage of that feature today. See how here:

Use Group Chat To Organize Groups & Coordinate Your Activities

Okay, so you can't go meet at a local watering hole to hang out and get to know local businesspeople.

But that doesn't mean you can't create a Group Chat of up to 25 folks. I mean, how fun could that be? Pretty fun and likely quite bonding.

When you see how it's done, you'll understand why it's become a very popular activity, especially as of late.

Some people are even using their Spark Cards that we sent them for their meet-ups, but virtually to get the conversations rolling.

Add Services & Events, Use Search To Grow Your Network & Stay Top-of-Mind

With all of the crazy news out there these days, you need to do your best to make sure current clients and other associates aren't too distracted from your business.

And you want to let them know that you're open and maybe even offering new services to address the predicament the world is in right now. As my grandfather used to say, "Don't Hide Your Light Under A Bushel.

Post a promotion and it will go out to your entire local community on Alignable.  See how that all works here:

Share Your Small Business Advice & Engage Your Industry

Go to the Advice section on your home page and type in a topic that you'd like to address. Find some questions that you can answer and start posting. And keep that interaction going, helping others and then looking to them for their advice and help, as well.

That's what the Advice section is all about -- except for the part where these conversations help to show off your personality and dedication and tend to forge new connections and referrals for people. (That's a very endearing form of digital networking, by the way). Watch the last short video to see more:

Invest In Your Future Business Networking Today

We really hope you enjoyed these videos and you find them useful in making the most of your online time, especially during the coronavirus crisis.

Remember, at some point, the coronavirus will be ancient history, but when that happens, think of how much farther ahead you'll be with your business networking if you just follow the steps in these videos starting today.

Thanks so much for your time and please let us know how you liked the webinar. Also, feel free to leave any other comments or questions below.

19 Comments 460 Views

Comments (1-10)

I really worry about our nonprofits who deliver so many services, including the arts and humanities organizations, which have had to close and cancel events. Anyone who can donate or who gives annually should send a donation now to help them with cash flow.

I love the sign on North Branch Cafe: We will get through this together!

I've made the migration from being a primarily "in-person" business to 100% online.   I had been toying with the idea for a while, but the current state of affairs forced my decision. It was also very helpful that the platform I chose, Shopify, is offering a 90 day free trial.  If you are considering an e-commerce site yourself, I would suggest checking out Shopify's offer!

In regards to my business--  I sell women's clothing, and also make my own items such as headwraps, headbands, scarves, and crafting home decor (still working on uploading the handcrafted items).  My website is www.seacoastpopupshop.com  I'm offering free shipping and 10% off to new customers with the code NEW10.   I hope you'll check it out.

Excellent advice in here.  We're offering consultations via Zoom.  That's both a service, but also helping businesses to carry out much of your advice and switching services and offering to the online world.  

This coming week I will be testing teaching voice lessons online via Zoom.  Once I get the hang of it, I will try to expand it and be able to offer both Music Theory and Voice to others who are homebound and willing to try the new means of education live.

Hello everyone, yes we have to go online now.,but we have to be very careful of what we are saying so I suggest let’s inform ourself and Let’s Go Online with optimism ....as I start saying since last week “Let’s do this together ... for everyone “   By the way ...I started a new IGTV in Instagram,look for my Profesional page @saraiirazutorrealba  

 Great post Chuck! Really appreciate it. In doing my part... I realized that getting event invites out to people can sometimes be a pain so me and my team created this free invite tool if anyone wants to use it - https://eventmyndr.com.

Hi everyone. We’re trying to stay open for our community. We’re a supermarket on 2715 Collins Ave. xxx-xxx-xxxx. We’re open from 7-10 now. Later normally. We have take out as well. We have most things people need. Hope this helps. 

Business from Fort Lauderdale, FL
Commented on Apr 1st, 2020

Great post chuck!

Hello Everyone;

Count your blessings! If you feel like you are alone in all of this madness; you are not! The power is not doing it on your own! The power is extending  our hands to one another because we are all in this together! 

Our company is still in operation but with a minimal staff to keep the over-head costs as low as possible. We do have in stock; essential items like disinfectant spray; sanitizers; vinyl and latex (rubber) gloves; and paper towels and other paper products. 

Please let us know if anyone needs these items by calling our SASA office at (905)-561-9622. Please say, “I was referred to you by Willie Jim “. Thanks! Be wise and be safe!