6 Tips & Tools B2B Companies Can Use Now For Digital Success

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Mar 26th, 2020

They say the most adaptable not only survive, but thrive regardless of the obstacles that life puts in their path. 

No truer words have been spoken than in the case of B2B businesses as they shift to an entirely digital way of doing work, in light of the shut-in lifestyle we're all living to fend off the Coronavirus.

Technology Saves The Day For Home-Bound Workers

I just heard someone on a Zoom call say to me, "Hey, this period in time is tough, but can you imagine how bad this would be if the Coronavirus showed up 30 years ago, before people were using the Internet or mobile phones or any of the other technology we have today?"

Now that is a wonderful point and it brings us to the heart and soul of this article. 

Without the technology we have today, people would just be sent home to watch TV and probably not do much work, unless they could work using their Apple word processors and maybe faxing things one another.  Or calling each other on their home phones. 

But by today's standards, productivity would be limited to say the least. And connectivity would only be by phone or fax. (No we didn't have emails back then, either, or iPhones or texting). 

5 Tools Get It Done Virtually: FaceTime, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts, Zoom & Group Chat

But now, in this crazy year we call 2020, we have some major tools to stay connected, conduct meetings, teach classes, or even host networking meet-ups.  Just about anything we could do in person before the Coronavirus -- in a business sense - can now be accomplished via four major tools: Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts, Zoom and FaceTime.

Sure some of our members have used FaceTime before, but not often for business. In most cases, they used that fun technology to connect with a relative or old friend. But now, FaceTime is a great tool to use for one-on-one client or co-worker meetings. 

And many of our members have taken the plunge into Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts and Zoom. They never had to use them before, but after one or two successful video meetings, they have already become pros!

Human Resources Help Offered Remotely

One of our members, Lynne Bard from Guelph, Ontario, offers HR services now via digital tools including Zoom.  But just a few weeks ago, she depended on face-to-face, in-person meetings.

"As our clients full service HR, how we deliver may have changed to virtual, but we are still providing full service through zoom meetings and calls," Lynne explained. "We're keeping our clients up to date on changes to legislation that will assist them in meeting their current needs."    

    Of course, there's also another great tool for small businesses, group chat on Alignable, which can connect up to 25 people at once, in the cases where people don't want to be on camera, but want to talk to a larger group and connect through messaging.

    A Helpful Small Business Tip Perfect For This Time

    Finally, if you're hoping to bring even more connectivity from your business back to your home, outsourcing IT is a great option, to stay ahead on the latest and greatest ways to work remotely. 

    One of our members is dedicated to helping people to go completely digital at home.

    "We're providing several cost-effective options that make it possible to continue operating your business remotely during this time of social distancing," said Travis Thom of Fuse Networks in Tukwila, WA.

    "If you're looking for options to access your work computers, applications, or office phones from home, we can usually have this setup in a few hours," Travis continued. "In addition to remote access, we've been helping several companies deploy Microsoft Teams to provide chat and video conferencing tools, so staff can communicate as if they were still working closely in the office."

    Build Relationships During Coronavirus Hibernation

    While everyone's trying to cope with the Coronavirus Threat and they're not sure when business will return to normal, conventional wisdom says this is not necessarily the best time to make the hard sell for marketing services. 

    So our final tip is to assist potential clients with branding. Focusing your time on building your brand and helping others to do the same, can engender more trust between you and your future customers. 

    Keep showing up!" Sarah Douglas of San Antonio, TX, said. "Now is the time to work on branding. Not selling to customers, but building your brand, trust, and relationship with clients/customers. If you'd like to talk about your social media strategy, I can help you build the right strategy during this time to stand out and remind people of your business, plus tell the stories behind your brand."  

    So, now you've seen our tips and tools for successfully navigating remote work and building relationships via digital means during this tough, Coronavirus-driven period of staying at home.

    Please share some of your most useful tools and creative ways to make this time productive, as we wait for a recovery to begin -- at some point soon.

    Related content: Explore creative ideas, tips, and tools from other small businesses on our resource center.

    8 Comments 380 Views

    Comments (1-8)

    Right now communication is our life line. There are people home alone and feel completed isolated. There are Merchants who have been messaging (texting) their consumers for years now and have built up a great following. This has been a life line for both the business and the consumer. Merchants KNOW that a message is being read when it is texted vs. sending out to social media or placed in an advertisement. 
    98% of texts are read in 3 minutes.  Your message WILL BE read. So when your planning to re-open your customers will KNOW, you have a new way of doing business, text it, you have a new sale/promotion, text it.  75% -87% of consumers WANT TO hear from their merchants through texting.  Our cities, governments, emergency care, amber alerts use texting for a reason...they KNOW that WE are seeing their message. Now Merchants can do the same and NOW more than ever is the time to look into using a service like this to get your message out. 

    If you have access to your accounting system but no one to work your receivables, or your billing staff is working from home, please consider using our TSI Accelerator service (first party, in YOUR NAME.) A fixed fee service helping you stay fiscally responsible while maintaining consistent compassion for your customers/patients.  https://gotsi.com/karencowell

    There has never been a better time in all of our lives than now for sending heartfelt greeting cards. Human connections are what everyone needs to be working on right now not only for business but for humanity and sanity. Do you agree with that? If so I want to show you testimonial interview videos on how to use cards to love on the masses. Hi, touch in A No touch world!

    Please take the time and listen to what others are saying to see if it’s right for you personally and for business. Click on appreciation360.com If you or anyone you know have questions please let me know. I believe it can HELP a lot of people.

    Kindness prevails!

    Jerry Meeks

    [email address]


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    I'm also offering a free edition software business owners can use to manage their warehouse or inventory and users in same place while so that administrative employees can work from home while warehouse operators remains on premises, more information can be found here. Also let me know if you want me to setup a call where I can explain how it works and how it may benefit your business during this crisis.

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    Someone should really write about UCaaS and how it can really help and reduce cost. Office 365 E5 is what you want to purchase if your a company that wants to use everything with video and meetings plus all the extras and I mean extras! Tons of extras for close to nothing! 

    Kindest Regards, 

    Gerald Anderson

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