Sue's News: Tour Will Stop In Many Awesome Towns Across The Midwest & Beyond

Jul 5th, 2024

Sue Brooke here, coming to you from the stunning Black Hills of South Dakota! I’m taking in the majestic beauty of Mount Rushmore, marveling at the craftsmanship and history etched into those iconic faces. 

Since my last update, I made my way from Texas to Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, and Tennessee, and took some extra time in my home state of Nebraska, where the very first Alignable on the Road event happened back in 2021.

From there, I traveled to Cheyenne and Rock Springs, WY where I met up with Ambassador and fellow RV Entrepreneur Kimberly Henrie who runs our RV Entrepreneurs group on Alignable! 

We hung out with others who live and work in RVs just like us…what a blast!

After that, I took the scenic route through Yellowstone Park (wow!) on my way to Billings, MT and now Rapid City, SD. What a journey!

I Have A LOT Planned For The Rest Of July & August!

Now that my Alignable on the Road summer tour is in full swing, I couldn’t be more excited to share my upcoming stops with you. 

Here's a map to chart my course, with the great stops in Minnesota, Illinois, and Michigan coming up this month. 

Then I'm doing a lot in Ohio, Indiana, and Tennessee in August -- ending that month in Alabama and Georgia.  

Sue Brooke's Summer Road Tour Across The Midwest



If you’re near any of these cities, I’d love to meet up and hear your stories. Let’s share ideas, support each other, and continue building this incredible Alignable community together. 

Follow my journey and join my Alignable on the Road group to stay updated on events across the country.

I am having a blast traveling across the country and being inspired by the amazing business owners who are changing the world.

Their heart and passion for helping others is the reason behind what they do. This is why we need to support our local small businesses -- the heartbeat of our communities.

Stay tuned for the rest of my 2024 route plan, which will take me all across the entire East Coast! I hope our paths cross somewhere along the way…

But before I sign off, I want to let you all know that we're always on the lookout for new Ambassadors. So, if becoming an Ambassador sounds like fun to you, please apply at

See you ‘On the Road’!

Sue 💜


Comments (1-6)

We are anticipating your arrival, not with "bated-breathe' but with enthusiasm and excitement of the knowledge you'll be bringing. 

Safe travels my friend and we'll see you when you're back in Arizona!

Safe travels, Sue! We’re looking forward to seeing you in Virginia in September!! 


Perhaps you could park your RV at a Public Library this summer. We've been working hard to keep kids and adults reading and learning throughout the summer break.  

Your map shows Madison WI, but I don’t see a date listed… please let me know what is planned for Wisco!  Thank you!

I think you are on to a business to really help people to see best options for their business or pleasure. My problem is too many emails and tech.