[POLL] -- Are You More Optimistic Now Than You Were Last Summer? Take June's Survey

Are you closing for the Fourth of July or do you need to stay open this year to generate all the revenue you can? Also, update us on how your business is faring, in general.  Is it growing rapidly, holding steady, or really struggling? 

Whatever's happening, we want to know and share it with policymakers, and the media. Please set aside three minutes to take the poll -- to amplify your voice, your successes, and your needs. Thanks in advance for your input. 

Thanks again for your time. 

If you'd like to see past survey results, go to Alignable's Research Center. If you'd like to stay on top of all of the trends we uncover, please join our SmallBiz Stars: Trendsetters & Newsmakers Group.


Comments (1-10)

Since we offer daily necessities goods, just like food items, it's a repeat business. Online shopping makes it easier for everyone, plus saves time and money. Therefore our industry isn't effected by the economy.

I can’t imagine being in a position of having to use credit cards or loans, these high interest rates must be putting a hurt on businesses looking to finance expansion or a major purchase. Thanks Chuck for getting the word out to the national media about how businesses on Alignable are faring. We represent  large portion of the economy!

Our estimate requests have been down approximately 25%,however with consecutive above average rain seasons we have remained on average for yearly gross sales.The inflation cost increases are affecting everything!Roofing and sheet metal wholesale prices have risen 8%since January and expected to go as high as 15% by September when our “high”season starts.It’s not easy to pass on these costs without losing business.We will be in a wait and see mode for the rest of the year.

Inflation and costs rising as much as they are is not good and a serious challenge.  We need to get back to a market based economy.  Our government likes to force things for political reasons and they are unwilling to face reality.  The quality of help is also another isn't what it used to be.

We bought our business as a family to see us through the pandemic in a safe environment.  We always planned to exit leaving a thriving business for the next family to build on.  We our now in our exit plan stage and it is going well.  Currently have a Purchase and Sale agreement going through the process of inspections.  Our big concern is whether the buyer will make it trough the financing process.  We had one previous P&S fall through because they didn't follow broker's instructions to not change any of their status during the process, i.e. don't spend your down payment, don't quit your current job and don't make any large purchases anticipating owning the new business.  Proper planning in running, purchasing or selling a business is essential.  Do your own homework, find a reliable mentor, possibly through the S.C.O.R.E. program.  Research the industry, make sure it is a good fit for your lifestyle.

 The still high inflation has customers only purchasing for absolutely necessary repairs. Which has lowered sales, same goes for our tool rental aspect. The media tying to constantly demonize the "evil" big corporations, leading to more locales raising the minimum wage doesn't help small businesses that are just hanging in there. They fail to acknowledge that small businesses employ over half the workforce and their constant effort to go after big business is closing more small businesses because they can no longer afford to stay open. This constant push is only making the big businesses stronger because there is less competition out there. And it also contributes to higher inventory costs, which forces us to charge more to stay profitable, unlike the big boxes who can afford to sell some items at, or below, cost to keep the customers coming into their stores. The majority of the supply chain issues from Covid and the back to back storms in Louisiana and have been pretty much resolved, so why are costs still going up?