Mystic Maps
I am an astrologer who works primarily with Artists across all disciplines. I'm helping actors, singers, writers, painters, potters, producers, directors and dancers inhabit more fully the creative flame that powers Life. I guide artists through projects and transitions, through times of tumult and times where it feels like nothing is happening at all. I provide stellar insight that de-codes your unique instructions and personal timing.
Who we want to be referred to
My clients are largely Creatives and Holistic Entrepreneurs. As they work with me so their own work deepens. It’s gratifying to witness and be part of. If you work as a holistic healer or energy worker, and would like new Earth astrology to support your clients or yourself, please message me. Thank you for the light you carry in our world.
Hello, I am Michelle Piller, founder of Mystic Maps. This is a business that provides bespoke astrological in-tel for Creatives and Holistic Entrepreneurs. My work is done both privately in one-on-one sessions, and in group settings. The reports I provide are written by me. I am aligned with the new frequencies flooding our planet; so when we work together you can deepen in your natural alignment and share your gifts more easily with the world. This is why I do what I do!
When the world changed in 2020 Mystic Maps came alive and answered a need for people pivoting in the midst of uncertain global and cultural conditions. In 2024 that need is growing as more and more people choose to switch into a new way of living. To help people navigate the changes of new Earth and contribute to a positive future is why I do what I do. I am always inspired by my clients, and I hold deep admiration for anyone making the world a better place.