Social Distancing? I’m Already Home Alone

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Mar 13th, 2020

As business owners, we are no strangers to being alone. But let’s face it, at times like this we can get a lot of comfort sharing our challenges and reassuring each other that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and a bit isolated, here are three ways you can feel more connected on Alignable:

Start or Join a Local Discussion

    With one click, you can literally interact with hundreds (thousands in some communities) of nearby business owners. Share how you are doing, the challenges you’re facing, or ways you can support each other through this crisis. Join this Coronavirus discussion we started in each community.  

    Alternatively, you can start a discussion of your own using the box at the top of the page. Click here to give it a try. 

    Band Together With 25 Friends

    Did you know you can create a group discussion with up to 25 people from your network and do a group chat with each other?  Just go to the message center and click on Group Chat.  

    Post What You Want People to Know

    Your network and community can’t read your mind.  If you’re a restaurant turning to pick-ups and deliveries to stay afloat, add a promotion to your profile to let people know.  If your yoga classes are empty, try doing a yoga class by Google Hangout by adding it as an event on your profile and invite stressed out business owners to join you for a free 15-minute yoga session.  

    We’re small business owners and that means we are the most creative, ingenious, and resourceful people on Earth!  We are stronger together, so we will get through this together!

    220 Comments 340k Views

    Comments (1-10)

    Friends In Stitches is disposing of as many donated fabrics as possible, so as to minimize need for the rigorous sanitizing we regularly do.  If you have a need for fabrics of some kind, please let us know and we will have them available for you at our 24-7 drop-off point—No personal contact necessary!

    We also have craft books available—and patterns for sewing—which may be purchased in similar fashion. These craft projects are excellent for entertaining children at home and keeping their hands busy.

    I'm a sole proprietor I see a client to do their feet then leave.  My mask is the first thing that goes on me and the last thing to come off, but I always wear PPE and use hand gel and infection control precautions each time anyway.  It's just part of my role and as I was trained to do, abiding to regulations and public health anyway, sterile tools, and I always wipe down my lidded tubs, cart etc before and after too with disposable wipes, and dispose of it all in a bag that goes in a lidded garbage can.  I routinely do this at each visit anyway.  I use my hand gel before, throughout, and after too.  I take no risks.  I'm also screening any new clients beforehand with questions and if it's a yes to any, directing them to report it to public health though I have to inform them too, to self isolate for 14 days and not to book until the all clear is given.

    Also the mask is single use it's not used again or with another client.  A new ine is instead.

    Mask removed at the straps and disposed of correctly, then hand gel used to clean hands again after. 

    Handwashing, or hand gel use is before, during, and after procedures.  Every single time and the right technique.

    There's been no issues with me or my client's.  

    I concur with Eric. Keep in touch with clients, virtual or in person. I will ask to visit a few clients this week. If they want virtual meets instead that’s fine. I prefer face to face but will acquiesce if they prefer virtual.
    lef them know you care and that things will be ok. Some clients might not have anyone to talk to. Spend just a few minutes and make their day a little brighter  

    At Least 2 Clubs so far reached out to learn HOW to hold an ONLINE meeting

    1 in Bucharest Romania and 1 in Boca Raton

    Knowing the income levels are lower in Romania, I gave them a free meeting space with my zoom account since they meet in around lunch

    I'm using my zoom in EARLY times... EST  time

    This wed testing a LOCAL club in Boca Raton For their first online meeting

    Wife and I work From Home Offices

    still washing hands

    right after trip to walgreens or supermarket

    is eating at home easier to diet or do you snack much?

    got to watch my self

    kindest regards,


    Aimee Ballantyne from Friends In Stitches Recovery Bee, L.L.C.
    Aimee Ballantyne from Friends In Stitches Recovery Bee, L.L.C.
    I am fortunate to have that rarest of commodities—an online personal trainer. He is Wayne Grimditch. of Olympic medal fame, whom I have known since I was 6 years old. We went to Pine Crest together. I used to chase him around the playground when I was 7—(Or was it the other way around? Perhaps a little of both...) I call him “Gimlitch,” and txt him whenever I have a question. I bought an Exercycle at a local thrift store (Poverello)—and txted Gimlitch pix of it—then asked him specific questions as to how, and how often, to exercise. He’s incredibly helpful! Wayne is  specific, knowledgeable, helpful and steadily supportive. He even uses emojis! 💪 Gimlotch  has a website, too— I think it’s called “Grimditch Fitness” on Google. Gimlitch advises daily exercise at home for at least 20 minutes a day—rather than hard exertion only weekends—starting with what you can do, that gets your blood flowing and oxygen to all parts of your body—then working up to 20 minutes a day.  Concentrate on a steady, circular motion on the pedals. What should we be eating? —Not quite ad important, as long as we have fuel in our stomachs before we exercise. (We don’t have much of a selection or choice right now!) Sometimes I have a Metamucil fiber cookie for lunch (which my doctor recommends, anyway!) It fills me up, keeps things moving, and promotes weight loss. It will clean your intestines of all that junk you’re eating. Drink lots of water! Right now, I am losing weight like water—which I am happy to say, needed to happen, anyway! But what a way to do it! Hiding in the house and scraping for food! Sterilizing everything!!! I’m gonna go fry up a couple of eggs for breakfast—with dill and garlic salt—My favorite! Should be delicious! Maybe I’ll splurge, and have a little Italian bread toast—if there’s any butter.  YUM...

    We have concert cancellation for several of our artists and some only make their income from these as they are not employed and work for many concert halls or concert presenters. Does anyone have any ideas or thoughts about how they may be able to garner some income? Since they are free lancers, they do not have actual employers.

    Unfortunately I believe things will get worse before they get better,but we as small business owners will get through it. I , being a sole proprietorship , and depending on people travelling will definitely take a major hit during this pandemic, but I need everyone to know that Pet Paradise Pet Sitters will remain open and will take every precaution to keep our current and future clients healthy. If necessary arrangements can be made to board your pet with me rather than coming to the clients home. If we all band together and follow CDC guidelines we will make it through these uncertain times that we are now living in.

    While I do some on site work, I've always been mostly virtual. Most of my client meetings are held via a recorded Zoom screen share (they get the recording) but it's nice to get out to events and network. Things are rapidly being cancelled here and I confess to already being a bit stir crazy. I've been staying in a lot this winter to avoid the regular flu and now that spring is sort of making an appearance in Montana, I'm itching to be out and about just when we're all being told to stay home. 

    Here's what I'm going to do:

    Schedule online Quickbooks classes, bookkeeping co-working sessions where I provide accountability and answer your questions, free webinars, and some virtual networkings. Oh, and I'm always up for virtual 1:1 coffee.

    Hello everyone,

    Are you a bit concerned or even in panic mode when you allow yourself to listen to the news, the  voices in your head that talk about what this Coronavirus could do to you and your loved ones?

    My name is Angela! I am a seasoned empowerment Coach, that is offering coping skills, guided meditations and energy work online to sail through this challenging time as smoothly as possible. For temporarily financially challenged people I offer a donation option. I would love to be of assistance to anyone in search and need of compassionate support. 

    My husband is a news hound, so personally I make him put on head phones I’m tired of hearing about it, if you are stranded at home there’s not much you can do about that, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be productive. For instance I’m finishing up my new website today. I’m inputting  all the business cards I have collected into a Csv file, so I can upload them and email them a special I am running. I had some graphic ads made up so while everyone is home and shopping online I can advertise. Don’t let this situation stop you from doing business. Make the most out of the time you have at home. And Stay Safe and Healthy.